Sunday 11 July 2010

Scafell Pike

From the moment we arrived to the moment we left it pretty much rained but we had come to climb Scafell Pike and the weather wasn't going to stop us. Top tip for anyone who is having to overcome the morale sapping zero visibility and lashing rain is to take someone along who turns up only wearing a pair of shorts John McEnroe would be proud of and a cheap plastic poncho....

The route we took started at the Wasdale Campsite and went straight up Lingmell Gill, up Brown Tongue and then onto the top via Mickledore and Death Valley (newly named by the group). This was a steep gully which required climbing and dodging loose falling rocks.....definitely the most enjoyed part of the walk.

Seven started but only six finished which was down to a complete lack of fitness from one of the add on members to the group, so if you are attempting this route or any other up Scafell Pike do remember to get yourself into shape before hand.

The new sport of Scree Running was also created on this walk, this is something which certainly has great potential....the secret is to go with the flow of the scree, slide well and stay light on the feet.

We didn't see many others all day, in fact we didn't see much all day so views were not apart of this walk....however it did open up for us as we were approaching camp

Time to get the next adventure planned.